Babo Botanicals
Ongoing Collaboration
Initially, we were tasked with refreshing the Babo Botanicals product artwork design to be more inclusive of all ages (not just babies and young children).
The goal was to increase the perception of naturality and sustainability while maintaining authenticity and some visual lineage with current design to be recognizable by current customers.
Most recently we partnered with Babo and the agency Fanfare for the launch of their innovative new haircare line in packaging with 80% less plastic.
For the packaging and brand refresh my team and I undertook extensive trend and competitive research. We developed three different creative territories which were refined and then tested with a consumer panel. Once we had aligned on the winning direction this was then refined further and rolled out across all skus globally.
The new haircare collection launched in 2024. My team and I handled production, casting, concept development, on set art direction, and post-production. Stay tuned for the results.